Most veterinarians agree that oral home care is vital for maintaining a healthy oral cavity. Oral home care will minimize the need for extraction therapy and prolonged oral surgery. Breed and genetics play a role in oral health and a predisposition for periodontal disease....
Cats are so tough and so stoic it can often be difficult to tell when they are in pain. Unfortunately, this often leads to our feline companions suffering for an extended period before they receive medical attention. ...
Bad breath is often referred to as halitosis by veterinary dentists. Bad breath is a result of the build-up of plaque on the teeth. Plaque forms as quickly as within 20 minutes after a professional pet dental cleaning. ...
Cats are a wonderful and cherished companion for many people. Consistent evaluation of their oral cavity throughout their life is important as are vaccinations and choosing an appropriate diet/nutrition....
The oral cavity is very important to the overall health of cats. It is the first part of the digestive tract, and arguably the most important. Domestic cats are designed to have 30 permanent teeth which erupt by the time they are 7-8 months of...
How to treat a dog tooth abscess is a common question for general practitioners and board-certified veterinary dentists. It’s a question that is first answered with more questions.
What is the cause of the tooth abscess?...
Oral home care for your feline companion is an integral component of maintaining a healthy oral cavity along with routine professional cleanings (COHAT). And brushing your cat’s teeth is considered to be the “gold standard” in oral home care.
How many times has your veterinarian pleaded with you to brush your dog’s teeth? This task may sound daunting and even a little dangerous, but with the proper instrumentation, technique, training, and a positive mindset, it may be accomplished.
The causes of facial swelling in dogs and cats are numerous and can vary significantly in size, shape, firmness, and location. The significance can also be quite variable, ranging from minor to life-threatening.