
Vital pulp therapy (VPT) is a treatment that aims to preserve and maintain tooth structure as an alternative to extraction or root canal therapy. Through the use of sterile instruments, vital pulp therapy removes a small amount of pulpal tissue.


Jaw fractures occur in a split second and are always traumatic for both the pet and the pet owner. A broken jaw may involve both the maxilla (upper jaw) or mandible (lower jaws), however, they...

The oral cavity is the first part of the digestive tract and is an essential part of the digestive function of dogs and cats. Additionally, teeth-bearing animals use their teeth not only for eating but also for grooming, playing, hunting, and protection.


A cyst is an abnormal fluid-filled sac or space. Cysts can expand and be locally destructive.  Dentigerous cysts form in the oral cavity and are commonly diagnosed in dogs, and less commonly in cats. 


Dental diseases including gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth resorption and stomatitis are common in cats. Studies show that up to 67 percent of cats may be affected by tooth resorption during their lifetime, most notably during middle age.
