oral disease Tag

Oral Neoplasia (cancer) accounts for 10% of all tumors in cats. Approximately 90% of oral tumors in the cat are malignant. If you discover an oral mass in your kitty’s mouth, you should always bring her in for an evaluation due to their...

Our pets are amazing at hiding pain, especially dental pain. Pain is a sign of weakness in the wild, so they push through and do what they must to survive. They will continue to eat and act normally, all the while multiple teeth...

Dental treats are a valuable part of your fluffy companion’s daily oral home care routine. That’s because plaque accumulation occurs rapidly after a professional cleaning. If oral hygiene is not kept up on a regular basis, periodontal disease will likely recur.



Periodontal disease is one of the most common afflictions seen in companion pets. Teeth and the tissue that surrounds them (gingiva, tooth socket, etc.) can easily become infected. Daily oral home care in the form of tooth brushing, oral rinses, and dental treats are...

Stomatitis refers to widespread inflammation in the mouth. “Stoma” means opening, and “itis” means inflammation. In cats, inflammation most notably in the caudal (back part) of the oral cavity (oropharynx) is commonly referred to as stomatitis or caudal oral stomatitis. 

