dog tooth brush Tag

Most veterinarians agree that oral home care is vital for maintaining a healthy oral cavity. Oral home care will minimize the need for extraction therapy and prolonged oral surgery. Breed and genetics play a role in oral health and a predisposition for periodontal disease....

Bad breath is often referred to as halitosis by veterinary dentists. Bad breath is a result of the build-up of plaque on the teeth. Plaque forms as quickly as within 20 minutes after a professional pet dental cleaning. ...

When it comes to feeding a dog with no teeth, thoughtful preparation and patient care are essential. If your dog is missing her teeth, there is no reason why she should have trouble getting enough nutritious food. Various options exist for feeding your toothless dog, and...

Brushing your dog’s teeth daily doesn’t have to be a dreaded task—for you or your dog. It can actually become a fun time to connect with your dog every day! Finding the right dog toothpaste is a key component of making the daily tooth-brushing routine...